

We have a group of volunteers who love driving and would be happy to help you get to and from place you need to go.

Volunteer drivers are assigned to you depending on your needs and their availability and will help you get to and from:
  • Hospital, GP, dentist, opticians or other appointments
  • Shopping or bank
  • Lunch Club or other activities at Burnage Community Centre
  • Visiting family and friends
  • Other outings, appointments and other errands

Your driver can stay with you or come back and pick you up - it's up to the two of you to agree on this.

Our volunteer drivers cover the Burnage area.

Although our drivers are volunteers, there is a cost involved in providing this service. Local journeys are charged at £2 and longer journeys can be arranged with the coordinator. Just contact us for more information.

Our Driving service relies on donations so please use the donate button to allow us to pay our volunteer drivers expenses for using their own cars.

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